
If you have any health concerns or your pet is due a check-up, please do give us call!

We have consultations available all day, 7 days of the week. Our main hospital has consultations from 8am right up until 7pm, and we also have consultations available at the weekend; Saturday 9-5pm and Sunday 10-4pm.

Our consultations are by appointment only, and we offer 15 minute consultation times as standard. If your pet has a particularly complex issue or multiple problems, we may schedule you a longer appointment – have a chat with our friendly reception team and they will make sure you have an appropriate time slot!

If you wish to see a particular vet, please do let us know at the time of booking and we shall endeavour to book your appointment with the vet of your choice, ensuring continuity of care.

At your appointment, one of our team of experienced veterinary surgeons will take a history and listen to your concerns, examine your pet, and advise you on the treatment options available.

Where further investigations are needed, such as blood tests, x-rays or ultrasound scans, our vets are more than happy to assist with these.

Estimates for all investigations and treatments are always available if required. Should your pet need to see a specialist, our vets are happy to organise this referral (just as your GP may refer to a consultant at a hospital, we are able to do the same, allowing your pet to get the best possible treatment).

For ongoing conditions, recheck appointments will be made to assess response to treatment and follow up the condition. There is a charge for these recheck appointments, but this is at a reduced cost, as we recognised the importance of continuity of care.

Our Services


Nursing and Hospitalisation

Dental Care



Senior Pet Screening

Laboratory Services



Delivery Services

Puppy Clubs

Dermatology and Allergies

Radiography and Ultrasound

Export Work

Electrocardiography (ECG)

Identification Chips

Bereavement & Post-Mortem